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Best tips on Cleaning outside French Limestone Floor

When cleaning the French limestone floor, a lot of precautionary measures have to be taken. Limestone is mostly used inside buildings on floors, counter tops and tiles. However, there are times when it is used on the outside mainly for providing edging features to pavers, gardens and pathways. When it is outside the house, cleaning procedures may differ slightly from those used on interior limestone.

Any exposure of German limestone fireplace mantel or Indiana limestone fireplace mantel to acid in the form of cleaning detergents can cause irreparable damage to it. By nature, limestone is a durable but this does not spare it from suffering damages when it gets into any form of contact with acid-based chemicals. The use of a leaf blower at controlled temperatures is recommended for outside limestone.


If your limestone travertine mantel is already damaged, you need to take great care when cleaning it. If it is fitted outside and you feel compelled to use a hose pipe, make sure that the pressure is kept under control lest it damages the surface further by increasing the cracks. A nylon brush is perfect in cleaning the surfaces of French limestone hood. Hot soapy water is also safe to use when cleaning limestone.


These tips are applicable irrespective of whether you live in Toronto, Vancouver, California or any other region. When buying a cleaning detergent for use, you must ensure that it is labeled clearly on the surface that it can be used to wash limestone surfaces. If there is no such warning on the label, continue with your search until you are able to get the exact cleaning detergent you need for this job.


When you are using water to clean limestone surfaces, try to observe whether it is absorbing this liquid or repelling it. If it is absorbing water, get a sealer that is marked for use on limestone surfaces and seal it off.

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago at 2:57 am.

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