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The Bernett marble Floor Medallion Character and Style in Your Custom Built Home

 Every home has a story. What is the story about your custom built home? Some of the stories that you will hear from some home owners may be harrowing while others are simply fascinating.

Your custom built and certainly luxurious home needs to tell an interesting story, a story about the person who owns it. Your luxurious space must say something about your achievements in life. The quality of workmanship on your home is the only thing that can speak volumes about you, not your words!

Bernet marble floor medallion is exactly what you need to help you tell a beautiful story effortlessly. Bernet marble floor medallion is a masterpiece that is artfully crafted from pure Italian marble, the finest marble in the world. The marble is known as Bianco Carrara. The natural stone features minimal veining, which makes it quite attractive.

Bianco Carrara marble is created by nature to provide the most amazing gem fit for use in any palace. With the piece you will be creating your own palace. You will be the king! The queen, well, you know more about her. That is a story for another day; let us leave it at that.

Bernet will become a reference point in your home’s entrance once it is installed. The eye will always be trailed on this magnificent piece of art. The floor medallion displays dedication and commitment to perfection and luxury. It symbolizes class. The noticeable European influence on the design helps bring a touch of classical European antiques into your luxury home.

Bernet is designed to complement the floor that is in your custom built home. Whether you have a marble floor or a hardwood floor the Bernet will help to make your home glow. The classical detailing and the patterns galore on this pearly white stone in French design will always be appreciated.

The medallion’s design draws inspiration from some of the most elegant Persian carpets. The invert curve selection that is subtly included in the design is something that is drawn from the Da-Vinci. The relief patterns are from some of the most beautiful works of art done in Spain. Everything on the piece is perfectly placed to give it an elegant look that would go down well in your fabulous home.

The immaculate nature of the Bernet makes the floor medallion fit for use even in the hallway. Get to learn more about the Bernet floor medallion at Marvelous Marble Design Inc.

Posted 10 years, 8 months ago at 8:29 pm.

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